The Blessing of the Animals
With many thanks to Katie Petersen for her lovely art work on our new banners for the St. Francis Blessing Service, and to all the people who helped to set up and make the service such a success.
Sometimes, a beloved stuffed toy can be a great stand-in for a pet.
This chicken took it all in and maintained it's composure.
Giddy is a very good dog, and well known around ECR.
Redd feels right at home here. He should, since he's the Tweedie family dog.
Getting ready for Holy Communion. It's special to have it out under the live oaks.
Little dogs getting blessed. (They are pretty sure that they own the whole thing, and the big dogs are just ornamental.)
Blessing the small creatures.
And the larger creatures.
Giddy gets his blessing.
We can have a blessing while looking at a picture of a beloved pet.
Hi there, have we met before? No, I don't think so. What's your name?