Thursday, January 19, 2017

Look Who got away for a Holiday Trip

It has become our tradition in retirement to celebrate the real meaning of Christmas on Christmas Day at Resurrection, then take off to some tropical place to celebrate New Year’s eve.  Two years ago, it was Negril, Jamaica. Last year, it was St. Lucia where we made great new friends from NC.  This year it was Panama to reunite with those friends.  We enjoyed total relaxation in the beautiful tropical landscape of the resort 5 miles from the Canal, and were part of a big New Year’s eve celebration.   Panama City is like no other city we have ever seen and we could see up to 30 ships lined up to enter the Canal in the distance from our resort. There was no dance contest for Lana to enter, Bummer, but she danced up a storm anyway.   We went from 90 degrees to 32 degrees upon our return.  Where will we go next year?  Planning has begun!

Coming Up At Camp Allen

Thanks to Nadine Gordon for passing this on to us.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Someone Had A Birthday

Last Sunday, we celebrated Joe Page's Happy Birthday. You see him all the time at church, but maybe you didn't know who he is. He organizes the Dine Out, works in the thrift shop, oversees the food collection for the needy, and is in charge of the usher ministry. His family surprised him with a very happy birthday celebration. In fact, his birthday balloon is still celebrating up in the rafters of the narthex!