Speaking Episcopalian For Holy Week
Since at least the fourth century, religious pilgrims have observed the week before Easter Sunday as a special time for reflection, devotion and visiting holy places. In the Western Church, that includes several services that commemorate the last week of Christ’s earthly life, and we observe those services here in our own congregation.
Palm Sunday begins Holy Week, we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, we humble ourselves on Maundy Thursday, sorrow in the desolation of Good Friday and wait throughout Holy Saturday for a joyous Resurrection. The Book of Common Prayer provides liturgies for all seven days of Holy Week. (BCP 270-295.
Palm Sunday: (April 9th) This day is also called “Passion Sunday.” In our neighborhood, it is often referred to as “The Sunday that the crazy Episcopalians raise a big racket.” It memorializes the triumphal entry of Jesus and his disciples into Jerusalem, with Jesus riding upon a donkey. We have everything except the donkey, so far, but we’re working on that.
The disciples untethered the donkey and her foal, brought them to Jesus, and he entered the city to cries of “Hosanna, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Our procession begins over by the thrift shop area, complete with palm fronds waving and music, and heads toward the church.
The Passion Liturgy includes special readings with the character parts read by various readers.
Services at 8:30 am and 10:00 am
Services at 8:30 am and 10:00 am
Maundy Thursday: April 13th) There's a lot to unpack about Maundy Thursday. For one thing, what does “Maundy” mean anyway? It comes from Latin, meaning mandatum novum or “new commandment.” Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, whose feet must have been really dirty. They’d been on the road to Jerusalem, and the facilities couldn’t have been great. Of course, they balked, because usually, slaves washed feet. They didn't want their Lord washing their feet.
Jesus wasn’t having it, though. He informed the disciples that unless they allowed him to humble himself, they would have no part with him, and he washed their feet. That was new. But that wasn’t all.
He instituted the Eucharist, giving us the new and second great sacrament of the church. They couldn't have understood the import of his words:
This is my body.
This is my blood.
For this is the blood of the covenant
Poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
An important meal. And then, a new commandment according to John 13:34 is, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.”
The love that Jesus invoked was agape love, the love of friends for each other, and at 6:00 pm, on Thursday evening we will celebrate that very kind of love. We'll share the Agape Meal in the Narthex. This celebration has quickly become a new tradition before we enter into the Maundy Thursday service.
The love that Jesus invoked was agape love, the love of friends for each other, and at 6:00 pm, on Thursday evening we will celebrate that very kind of love. We'll share the Agape Meal in the Narthex. This celebration has quickly become a new tradition before we enter into the Maundy Thursday service.
At the end of our service, the church is darkened, and the altar is stripped. The congregation leaves in silence.
Service at 7:00 pm
Service at 7:00 pm
Good Friday: (April 14) The Friday before Easter commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. It may be a day of fasting. A morning liturgy that includes John’s account of the Passion gospel and solemn collects is provided It usually includes a simple veneration of the cross. There is no Eucharist.
These services will focus on the Stations of the Cross, orThe Way of the Cross as it sometimes known. Members have donated their own works of art memorializing the Scriptural Stations of the Cross, and they will be displayed at these services. This exquisite piece of art by Jackie Richter is the Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross:
Good Friday Services are at noon and 7:00 pm
These services will focus on the Stations of the Cross, orThe Way of the Cross as it sometimes known. Members have donated their own works of art memorializing the Scriptural Stations of the Cross, and they will be displayed at these services. This exquisite piece of art by Jackie Richter is the Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross:
Good Friday Services are at noon and 7:00 pm
Holy Saturday:(April 15) The Saturday after Good Friday is a time for reflection and prayer. The sacrament of reconciliation may be offered in some congregations. It commemorates the day when the crucified Christ descended to the dead, while his body remained in the tomb. There is no Eucharist, but The Book of Common Prayer provides a simple morning liturgy (BCP 283).. Holy Saturday ends at sundown after the Jewish practice, and all fasting and other practices end then.
Please see Mother Kelly Jenning's message in MidWeek regarding the Rite of Reconciliation.
Service at 10:00 am
Please see Mother Kelly Jenning's message in MidWeek regarding the Rite of Reconciliation.
Service at 10:00 am
Armentrout, D.S., Slocum, R.B., Eds. An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church
The Book of Common Prayer, The Seabury Press,
The New Jerusalem Bible, Doubleday, NY, NY
Wall, J.N., A Dictionary for Episcopalian
Wolsey, Roger Patheos, March 24, 2016
Wall, J.N., A Dictionary for Episcopalian
Wolsey, Roger Patheos, March 24, 2016
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